
  • Frederic Mounsi Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM)
  • Celestin Mountchissi Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Study (IMPM)
  • David Ikome Lyonga Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM)
  • Fils Thomas Roger Tchatchoua Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM)
  • Karen Maigou Pohowe Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD)
  • Marileine Pricyle Eulalie Kemme Kemme CSAPA-Yaoundé Centrral Hospital


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Environmental impact, waste, incineration, Madingring


Purpose: The environment is increasingly threatened by human activities. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the different activities carried out at Madingring Medical Center on the various environmental components.

Methodology: To do this, the identification, characterization, and evaluation of the impacts were carried out during several field works using the Léopold and Fecteau matrices. The analysis of the waste management system was done using the Ishikawa 5M diagram.

Findings: During the study, the real and potential impacts were identified on the various environments. The incineration of medical waste is classified as hazardous and the poor management of toilets emits polluting and toxic substances into the air, as well as unpleasant odors that modify air quality. The presence of stagnant water from the activities of the medical center due to the lack of good drainage degrades soil quality. Added to this, there is a development of algae and moss on the site. Concerning waste management, it appears that the Center does not have an environmental permit and a waste management plan, the sorting carried out is approximate, hazardous waste is incinerated illegally and others are dumped in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution. For each impact identified, corrective measures have been proposed and may make it possible to mitigate or eliminate the negative effects and improve the positive aspects, by implementing the environmental specifications.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: At the end of this study, some recommendations were made. These include training of medical staff in best practices and techniques for medical waste management, monitoring of the implementation of regulations on hospital waste management in Cameroon, information and sensitization of users on the social and environmental impacts of environmental degradation,  as well as the best practices and behaviors to adopt within health facilities, the use of bins for the collection and sorting of waste, the creation of a pre-collection unit of waste within the health centers of Cameroon in general and those of Madingring in particular.


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How to Cite

Mounsi, F., Mountchissi, C., Lyonga, D. I., Tchatchoua, F. T. R., Pohowe, K. M., & Kemme, M. P. E. K. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MEDICAL TRAINING: THE CASE OF THE MADINGRING DISTRICT MEDICAL CENTER, NORTH CAMEROON. Journal of Environment, 2(1), 56–75. https://doi.org/10.47941/je.977


