
  • Arnold Ngatia Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Allan Kihara Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



Community Participation, Financial Administration, Training, Leadership And Management And Sustainability of Donor Funded Community Projects


Purpose: This study sought to assess the determinants of sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The study specifically focused on community participation, financial administration, training and leadership and management on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The variables were anchored by the freirean theory, results theory, competency theory and the systems theory.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design and the population included donor funded project managers, donor agencies and project beneficiaries. Mugenda and Mugenda's sample determination formula to acquire a sample size of 246 respondents. Further, the study employed stratified sampling so as to determine the exact number of respondents from the different categories. Primary data was collected through semi structured questionnaire while secondary data was collected through  desk search techniques from the internet from past scholarly articles. Quantitative data was analysed using a multivariate regression model while qualitative data was analysed using content analysis method.

Results: Inferential results revealed a positive and significant relationship between community participation and sustainability of donor funded community projects and also positive and significant association between financial management and sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County.

Contribution: The study concluded that an improvement in various indicators of community participation such as donor funded community projects leaders' vision, community empowerment and community decision-making, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, leadership and management skills, establishment of linkages between project components, supervision and mobilization of local resources will result to positive and significant effect on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The study also concluded that improvement in some of the indicators that define financial management results to positive and significant effect on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County.


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Author Biographies

Arnold Ngatia, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Post graduate student

Dr. Allan Kihara, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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How to Cite

Ngatia, A., & Kihara, D. A. (2018). DETERMINANTS OF SUSTAINABILITY OF DONOR FUNDED COMMUNITY PROJECTS IN GARISSA COUNTY. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 3(1), 26–50.


