
  • Nganga Lillian Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Josephine Mutiso Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



Project Management Capacity, Government Policies, Resource Support, Monitoring and Sustainability of Water Projects


Purpose: The study sought to establish the determinants of sustainability of water projects in Machakos County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of project management capacity, government policies, resource support and monitoring on sustainability of water projects in Machakos County Kenya. The study was guided by Project Management Competency Model, Policy Theory, Resource Based View Theory and Program Theory.

Methodology:The target population comprised of 244 water projects in the county implemented by the county government, national government community and non-governmental organizations. The unit of observation was water project managers. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. The study applied Yamane sampling formula to derive a sample of 151 respondents to be involved in the study.  The study used quantitative data that was collected from respondents using 5-point Likert scales questionnaire with closed ended questions. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The study findings were presented through tables and figures.

Results: The study found that the key significant determinants of sustainability of water projects in Machakos County were capacity of the project management, government policies, monitoring and resource support. The study concluded that project management capacity had the greatest determinant of sustainability of water projects in Machakos County, followed by resource support, then monitoring while government policy had the least determinant of sustainability of water projects in Machakos County.

Contribution to policy and practice: The study recommends that the government should advocate for proper planning with involvement of the benefiting community and timely implementation with the required results. This can be done through making of a policy by the ministry demanding for the practice of the same by the involved organizations. The project committee should set up financial structures considering both rising of funds and dissemination of the same in relation to operating and maintaining of the project. This can be done through learning and training on the same. The study also recommended that water beneficiaries and management should be sensitized to improve their knowledge on conservation and protection of water facilities from mismanagement and destructions. Community members should be involved in the determination of the water sale rates. County governments and the general management of the water projects in Kenya should ensure that the local community members are trained to do minor repairs.


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Author Biographies

Nganga Lillian, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Post graduate student.

Dr. Josephine Mutiso, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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How to Cite

Lillian, N., & Mutiso, D. J. (2019). DETERMINANTS OF SUSTAINABILITY OF WATER PROJECTS AT MACHAKOS COUNTY IN KENYA. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 4(1), 118–138.


