Emerging Dimensions in the Conceptualization of Gender, Sex and Sexuality: A Theoretical Review
Bodies, Binaries, Framing, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, TransgenderAbstract
Purpose: This report considers gender diversity across a range of spaces and places, the core purpose of the study was to stretch as far as possible the emerging dynamics in the conception of the term gender.
Methodology: The researchers adopted a desk review of related literature to interrogate theories, discussions and results to enable it reach its conclusions.
Findings: The researcher notes that while the notion of gender has been troubled, there exist opportunities to trouble it further. The highlight is on the scholarship that has sought to deconstruct genders, and the binary framing of man/woman and male/female roles and relationships, through a detailed desk review, this research has sought to draw attention to the emergence of geographical bodies that force the academic world to recognize the need to pay more attention to its distinctiveness. The queering of sexuality has meant that geographers are now tracing the ways in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer (LGBTIQ) bodies experience and live their gender beyond normative binaries. Research concerned with relational gendered subjectivities within LGBTIQ communities is discussed, and the study found that the trend of this research may conflate gendered experiences while privileging sexual subjectivities.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study has succeeded in drawing attention to how body geographers are tracing the ways in which the LGBTIQ experience and live their gendered lives beyond normative binaries
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