Decoding Edward Said: A critical review of the genesis of ‘Orient’, ‘Occident’, and ‘Other’.
Orient, Occident, Other, Colonization, Hegemony, Strategic Essentialism.Abstract
Purpose: This paper critically examines Edward Said’s seminal concepts of the "Orient," "Occident," and the "Other" within postcolonial discourse, focusing on how these constructs have shaped Western perceptions of Eastern societies. By analyzing Said’s influential ideas, this study explores how Orientalism fostered an intellectual hegemony that underpinned Western dominance over the East.
Methodology: The methodology comprises an in-depth literary analysis of Said’s foundational texts, Orientalism (1978) and Culture and Imperialism (1993), alongside a critical review of secondary sources in postcolonial studies, including contributions from Foucault, Gramsci, and Spivak.
Findings: Findings reveal that Said’s framework exposes the cultural and political subjugation enforced by the West while uncovering the power-knowledge mechanisms sustaining these inequalities.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The unique contribution of this paper lies in its synthesis of Said’s discourse with contemporary theories of cultural hegemony, providing fresh insights into the enduring impact of Orientalist thought on modern geopolitics and epistemology. This study underscores the ongoing relevance of Said's critique for understanding present-day cultural and intellectual dominance in the postcolonial context.
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