Cultural Diplomacy as a Key Component of Economic and Political Diplomacy: The Lessons For Nigeria


  • Alex Tamunomiegbam Rivers State University
  • Dr Frank Amugo Rivers State University
  • Dr Kia Bariledum Rivers State University
  • Charmaine Afolabi Rivers State University



Culture, Diplomacy, Economic-diplomacy


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of cultural diplomacy as key component of economic and political diplomacy: the lessons for Nigeria using UAE as a benchmark for comparison.

Methodology: The paper used liberal theory to demonstrate the link between cultural and economic diplomacy. This being qualitative research, the paper was anchored on secondary sources, which included textbooks, journal publications, government and newspaper publications. The secondary data collected was thoroughly subjected to content analysis.

Findings: The study revealed that cultural diplomacy builds "trust" between countries. This lays the groundwork for political, economic, and military agreements. The goal is to develop durable relationships among the peoples beyond the changes in political leadership, and this is to be done via the trajectory of culture.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: this study's findings have far-reaching implications for diplomatic theory, policy formulation, and practical applications. By recognizing the power of cultural diplomacy in building trust, fostering economic growth, and preserving cultural heritage, nations and international actors can work collaboratively to create a more interconnected and harmonious global community.


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Author Biographies

Alex Tamunomiegbam , Rivers State University

Post Graduate Student: Rivers State University

Department of History and International Diplomacy, Faculty of Humanities

School of graduate schools, Rivers State University



















Dr Frank Amugo , Rivers State University

Post Graduate Student: Rivers State University

Department of History and International Diplomacy, Faculty of Humanities

School of graduate schools, Rivers State University

Dr Kia Bariledum , Rivers State University

Post Graduate Student: Rivers State University

Department of History and International Diplomacy, Faculty of Humanities

School of graduate schools, Rivers State University

Charmaine Afolabi, Rivers State University

Post Graduate Student: Rivers State University

Department of History and International Diplomacy, Faculty of Humanities

School of graduate schools, Rivers State University


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How to Cite

Tamunomiegbam , A. . ., Amugo , F. . . . ., Bariledum , . K. ., & Afolabi, C. A. (2023). Cultural Diplomacy as a Key Component of Economic and Political Diplomacy: The Lessons For Nigeria. Journal of International Relations and Policy, 4(1), 1–17.


