
  • Daniel Kamau Kenya Methodist University
  • Gabriel Kamau Kenya Methodist University




knowledge management practices, organization culture, organization structure, leadership


Purpose: The study sought to determine factors influencing knowledge management practices in the commercial banks in Kenya

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of 44 commercial banks was identified. A sample of 17 banks was chosen using random sampling. A stratified approach was used to select respondents and a total of 85 respondents were surveyed from five departments in each of the 17 banks. Quantitative statistical techniques were used during the analysis to describe and analyze data. The results of the analysis were presented and interpreted in the form of descriptive statistics, as well as inferential statistics.

Results: Regression result indicated that there exists a positive linear relationship between organizational Culture and Knowledge Management practices.   Results indicate that there exists a positive linear relationship between organizational structure and Knowledge Management practices.  This is evidenced by an odds ratio of 28.988.  The relationship is significant as shown by a p value of 0.0113.Results indicated that there was a positive and significant correlation of 0.759 between Information technology and Knowledge management practices. Results indicate that there exists a positive linear relationship between Organization Leadership and Knowledge Management Practices.  This is evidenced by a regression coefficient of 125.198.  The relationship is significant as shown by a p value of 0.0058.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that commercial banks in Kenya should continue investing in leadership as doing so would improve their knowledge management practices. In addition, commercial banks should adopt more flexible structures that support knowledge acquisition, dissemination and storage.   The study advocates that the cultural orientation of the organizations should be such that it supports the perception of knowledge management practices. Furthermore, commercial banks should continue investing in Information technology as doing so would improve the knowledge management practices.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Kamau, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate Student

Gabriel Kamau, Kenya Methodist University



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How to Cite

Kamau, D., & Kamau, G. (2017). FACTORS INFLUENCING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA. Human Resource and Leadership Journal, 2(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.47941/hrlj.145


