School Administrators' Support for Teachers' Training and Maintenance of Digital Literacy Devices, in the Implementation of Digital Literacy Programme in Public Primary Schools in Kitui County-Kenya
Digital literacy, Digital Literacy ProAbstract
Purpose: This study sought to assess the school administrators' support to implementation of digital literacy program in public primary schools in Kitui County. The study sought to find out whether school administrators had facilitated teachers for digital literacy trainings and to examine whether school administrators had provided for maintenance of the digital literacy devices.
Methodology: Descriptive survey research design was used. The target population comprised of 3280 school administrators, who comprised of both head teachers and deputy head teachers and 328 classroom teachers making a total of 3608 respondents. A sample of 10% of the total population was taken making a sample size of 361 respondents, comprising of 328 school administrators and 33 classroom teachers. Self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. A test- retest was carried out in four public primary schools to establish the reliability of the research instrument. Data collected were analyzed descriptively with help of Statistical Packages of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28.
Findings: The findings revealed that a large number of teachers were supported by their school administrators to attend digital literacy training sessions. It was further noted that very few administrators always facilitated for repair of the broken parts of the computers 16(9.8%).
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The findings of the study will guide the leadership in effective delivery of flagship programs like the digital literacy program through multi-agency approaches.
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