ICT Usage by Heads of SHSS in Administration and Management of Senior High Schools (SHSS) in the Tamale Metro of Ghana
Administration, Management, ICT resources, accessibility, computer literacy level, internet connectivity.Abstract
Purpose: This study investigated heads of SHSs use of ICT in administration and management of Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly of Ghana.
Methodology: The study used embedded mixed methods design with a target population of 66. Using simple random sampling technique, four schools were selected from the eight public Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolis. The sample consisted of four heads, 12 assistant heads and 44 teachers. The heads and assistant heads were sampled using purposive sampling technique.
Findings: The study found that there were adequate ICT resources for heads of SHSs to use in school administration and management. The study also found that heads of SHSs have positive attitudes and perceptions towards using ICT resources in managing the schools. They however, lacked enough skills to efficiently use the ICT resources. Frequent power outages, maintenance costs, low ICT literacy levels were some of the challenges that influenced ICT integration in the schools.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study recommended that the Ministry of Education (MOE) in conjunction with the Ghana Education Service (GES) should come up with tailor-made ICT integration programs to impart relevant skills, knowledge and attitude on heads of SHSs and teachers.
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