A Comprehensive Study of the Transition from Monolithic to Micro services-Based Software Architectures


  • Sridhar Mooghala




Monolithic, Micro Service, Software Architecture


Purpose: This study examines the transition from monolithic to microservices architectures, analyzing this transformative shift's underlying motives, advantages, and obstacles.

Methodology: This study incorporates literature reviews, empirical case studies, and interviews with professionals in the field to offer a deep comprehension of the topic utilizing a comprehensive methodology.

Findings: The key findings of this study underscore a wide range of incentives behind the adoption of microservices, encompassing scalability and fault tolerance. Additionally, the study identifies the problems associated with implementing microservices and adapting organizational structures to accommodate this architectural approach.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The research makes a distinct contribution to both theoretical understanding and practical application by presenting a refined conceptual framework and providing actionable insights for organizations undergoing this architectural transition. From a policy perspective, it promotes the implementation of regulatory frameworks that are adaptable and conducive to fostering innovation. This piece presents microservices as a crucial paradigm that contributes to improving scalability, flexibility, and resilience in software systems.


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How to Cite

Mooghala, S. (2023). A Comprehensive Study of the Transition from Monolithic to Micro services-Based Software Architectures. Journal of Technology and Systems, 5(2), 27–40. https://doi.org/10.47941/jts.1538


