Cultivating Community Health and Well-being in Open Source: Mitigating Burnout and Prioritizing Mental Health


  • Savitha Raghunathan Red Hat

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Purpose: This whitepaper addresses the critical but often overlooked mental health challenges within open-source communities, including stress and burnout. The collaborative spirit of open-source communities has undoubtedly accelerated technological innovation, but the mental well-being of their contributors is frequently neglected. The objective is to uncover the root causes of these mental health issues and evaluate their impact, thereby underscoring the need for supportive and inclusive community practices.

Methodology: This paper uses the ‘Mixed methods’ research approach, analyzing data from industry surveys and extracting insights from personal narratives and experiences documented by contributors in blogs and forums. This comprehensive strategy allows for a detailed exploration of mental health within the open-source environment, facilitating the identification of key stress factors and mental health challenges associated with community participation.

Findings: The investigation reveals a direct link between the operational dynamics of open-source projects and the prevalence of mental health problems among participants. Key stressors include high expectations regarding workload, the predominantly volunteer nature of contributions, social isolation, and a lack of formal support structures. Additionally, the study highlights a significant lack of awareness of these issues and the availability of intervention strategies, further increasing the risk of burnout and stress among community members.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: This paper makes a novel contribution to understanding mental health in open-source communities by merging analytical data with qualitative insights from contributor narratives. It offers recommendations for a wide range of stakeholders, from contributors to leaders and policymakers, to cultivate a culture that supports mental well-being, diversity, and sustainability. This paper presents a comprehensive blueprint for nurturing healthier, more resilient open-source communities.


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Author Biography

Savitha Raghunathan, Red Hat

Senior Software Engineer




How to Cite

Raghunathan, S. (2024). Cultivating Community Health and Well-being in Open Source: Mitigating Burnout and Prioritizing Mental Health. Journal of Technology and Systems, 6(2), 1–8.


