Rainwater Treatment and Reuse Using Membrane Technology.
Rain Water, Membrane Technology, Water Quality, Practical FeasibilityAbstract
Purpose: The concept and acceptance of water reuse has steadily increased, particularly in regions that rely on unpredictable water supplies and in industrial applications that benefit from a secondary source of recycled process water. Due to the current global water scarcity crisis, addressing the pressing need for ensuring water safety and sustainable usage has become paramount. Rainwater, as a clean energy source, presents a crucial avenue for consideration in terms of treatment and reuse methods.
Methodology: Membrane technology, known for its compact size, effective treatment capabilities, and affordability, has emerged as a favored approach for wastewater treatment and is increasingly gaining attention in rainwater treatment.
Findings: This review aims to examine past research on rainwater treatment using membrane technology, identifying key research gaps to guide future exploration and technological advancements. It provides a comprehensive overview of various membrane technologies employed in rainwater treatment, analyzing post-treatment water quality and practical feasibility.
Unique Contribution to theory, practice and policy: Membrane fouling is recognized as a primary challenge, yet ongoing research is delving into surface modifications and process optimizations to mitigate this issue. Moreover, the quest for novel membrane materials and the investigation of diverse technology combinations for rainwater treatment remain active areas of study. The potential future applications of these efforts hold promise for addressing water scarcity concerns.
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