A Comprehensive Approach to Machine Learning Integration in Data Warehousing


  • Santosh Kumar Singu Deloitte Consulting LLP




Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence Machine Learning, Real-Time Processing, Data Integration.


Purpose: This research examines the utilization of machine learning (ML) in data warehousing systems and the extent to which it will transform business intelligence and analytics. It aims to know how ML improves conventional data warehousing systems to support prediction and forecasting.

Methodology: This research uses a literature review together with a case analysis. It discusses the issues that may arise when implementing Machine Learning models with data warehouses, such as issues to do with data quality, scalability, and real-time processing. The work examines integration patterns like in-database ML computations, feature stores, and MLOps. Case studies are discussed to demonstrate the value of the use of integration in different fields.

Findings: Combining machine learning with DW systems provides significant advantages in different fields. This synergy boosts analytical aptitudes, allowing the organization to go a notch higher than descriptive analytics in predictive and prescriptive analytics. However, such a decision is not simple as it has implementation matters such as data quality problems, scalability, and real-time processing problems. Integration best practices include in-database machine learning processing, a feature store, and proper MLOps practices. Real-life examples from the healthcare industry, banking and financial services, retail, and manufacturing industries show that this integration brings operational enhancements for the business and positive effects on customers and overall organizational performance.

Recommendations: This work offers a useful framework for studying and constructing the integration of ML into the data warehouse, which is a transition from the theoretical perspective to the actual one. It provides practical advice for organizations and stresses the integration strategies related to the business goals, data quality, the choice of architecture, security, and training. This study also envisions future trends such as edge computing, AutoML, and Explainable AI and offers a guide on how to harness this technological complementarity. The generated insights help decision-makers and practitioners understand the possibilities of leveraging ML-data warehouse integration as a strategic asset in the contemporary business environment shifting towards data-driven approaches.


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Author Biography

Santosh Kumar Singu, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Senior Solution Specialist


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How to Cite

Singu, S. K. (2024). A Comprehensive Approach to Machine Learning Integration in Data Warehousing. Journal of Technology and Systems, 6(6), 28–37. https://doi.org/10.47941/jts.2239


