Ransomware Attacks and Their Evolving Strategies: A Systematic Review of Recent Incidents
Ransomware, Cybersecurity, Cyber threat, security.Abstract
Ransomware attacks have emerged as a significant cybersecurity concern, posing intricate risks to individuals, institutions, and governments. Because cybercriminals are always improving their methods, it is important to understand how these changing approaches affect things. This study explores the complexity of ransomware attacks by looking into previous cases to identify trends, tactics, and how economic and technological advancements affect these risks. Through an extensive examination of cutting-edge ransomware tactics, the paper pinpoints a major research void with regard to current, fine-grained incident analyses and sector-specific impacts. A systematic literature review has been done using four ransomware and six cybersecurity keywords. The purpose of this study is to analyze the evolving complexity of ransomware attacks by examining past cases to identify trends, tactics, and the impact of economic and technological advancements on these risks. It also aims to address gaps in detailed incident analyses and sector-specific impacts, providing actionable insights and recommendations for strengthening cybersecurity defenses and legislative measures. The study adds to the body of knowledge by analyzing recent examples, identifying the dynamic nature of threat actor actions, and assessing the efficacy of countermeasures in a variety of industries through qualitative and quantitative data. The conclusions reached provide insightful analysis and practical suggestions for cybersecurity professionals to strengthen defenses, reduce risks, and predict future advancements in ransomware operations. In the end, this report hopes to set the groundwork for stronger cybersecurity standards and well-informed legislative solutions to counteract the increasingly complex ransomware techniques.
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