About the Journal

The American Journal of Strategic Studies (AJSS) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original and high-quality research and technical papers on various aspects of strategic studies, such as international relations, security studies, military studies, foreign policy analysis, and political science. The journal is hosted by CARI Journals under ISSN: 2790-6191 (Online) and DOI 10.47941/ajss. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to exchange ideas and insights on the challenges and opportunities of strategic thinking and action in the contemporary world. The journal welcomes contributions from different theoretical and methodological perspectives, as well as from different regions and levels of analysis. The journal is global in reach and open access in nature, which means that the articles are freely available online for anyone to read, download, and cite. The journal also offers high visibility and promotion of the articles through its inclusion in several open access journal databases such as Google Scholar, EBSCO host, Crossref, Academia, Research Gate and many more. The journal has an extensive editorial team that ensures the quality and relevance of the published papers. The authors can submit their papers at any time by online submission, and the papers will be published immediately in the current issue after registration. The authors can also download their full-length papers at any time from the journal website. The journal strives to resolve any queries from the authors within 24 hours of time. The American Journal of Strategic Studies is an ideal choice for scholars who want to disseminate their research findings and insights to a wide and diverse audience, and to contribute to the advancement of strategic studies as a field of inquiry and practice.