Effectivity of Organizational Cognitive Neuroscience on Managerial Decision-Making: A Review of Recent Literature and Future Directions


  • Brian Mateyo Haketa University of Zambia
  • Dr. Abubaker Qutieshat University of Zambia




Neuroscience. Business ethics, Organizational Cognitive neuroscience, Decision Making


Purpose: This article offers a methodology for evaluating OCN research by academics, stressing possible theoretical advances and putting an emphasis on empirical studies for theoretical understanding.

Methodology: The current scope of OCN was examined utilizing a systematic evaluation technique, which indicated three separate groupings of operations in economics, marketing, and organizational behavior.

Findings: Organizational behavior is an oddity since it has more empirical studies. As suggested, the field's many studies approach account for this largely. All three groups contribute to our understanding of how living things make decisions.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: As per this article, OCN research has bestowed a considerable understanding of the limitations of human freedom in multiple fields and the role of autonomy in shaping work. In addition to the topics proposed by the authors of the examined publications, it also emphasizes newer areas of investigation.


Author Biographies

Brian Mateyo Haketa, University of Zambia

Post Graduate Student: Graduate School of Business,University of Zambia

Dr. Abubaker Qutieshat, University of Zambia

Lecturer, Graduate School of Business,University of Zambia


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How to Cite

Haketa, B. M. ., & Qutieshat, A. . (2023). Effectivity of Organizational Cognitive Neuroscience on Managerial Decision-Making: A Review of Recent Literature and Future Directions. American Journal of Strategic Studies, 5(1), 63–78. https://doi.org/10.47941/ajss.1436


