Unleashing the Power of Love, Passion, Creativity, and Humanity in Novice Teachers' First Year


  • Dr. Al-Khansaa Daib David Yellin College of Education
  • Dr. Edna Green David Yellin College of Education




Novice Teachers, Ecological Model, Educational Eros, Transformative Education Practices, Creative Pedagogy


Purpose: This study explores the transformative impact of novice teachers who employ innovative methods and approaches to forge deep, meaningful connections with their students during their first year of teaching.

Methodology: The present study employed a qualitative methodology. Seventeen novice teachers participated in comprehensive, in-depth interviews. After transcribing the interviews, a content analysis approach was employed to identify and define meaningful units pertaining to the symbiotic relationship between novices and their students.

Findings: The findings reveal an extraordinary depth of educational passion, creativity, and empathy that significantly contributes to students' academic and emotional development. The study highlights the profound, empathetic bonds formed between teachers and students, transcending traditional educational outcomes. The novice teachers' success in fostering an inclusive and stimulating learning environment is underscored by their innovative methods and ability to harness personal narratives and cultural sensitivity as pedagogical tools.

Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The research enriches the global body of knowledge on teacher education by showcasing the power of love, passion, creativity, and humanity in the teaching and learning process. It emphasizes the potential of novice teachers to effect significant, positive changes in their students' lives, even in their formative years of teaching. The study's findings underscore the importance of fostering supportive environments for the growth and development of novice teachers and call for reevaluating support structures in teacher education programs worldwide.


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How to Cite

Daib, A.-K., & Green , E. (2024). Unleashing the Power of Love, Passion, Creativity, and Humanity in Novice Teachers’ First Year. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(2), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.47941/jep.1745


