Exploring Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Student-Centered Learning in a Community College, England - United Kingdom


  • Oluwatosin, Rebecca Oluwafunmilola University of Lagos




Exploring Students' and Teachers' Perception, Student-Centered Learning, Community, College, England


Purpose: Student-centered learning technique is no longer a new pedagogical approach to classroom teaching. Its use as a teaching technique is now a universal move in teaching and learning practices. This study explores students' and teachers' perception on the effectiveness of student-centered teaching/learning approach on the learning practices of students in a selected community college in a metropolitan city of England. Several literatures were also explored in order to get indepth knowledge into the conceptual and empirical framework of the subject matter.

Methodology: This research was a case study, thereby the research method was a mixed method research. Questionnaire was used to collect the quantitative data, while interview was used to collect the qualitative data. The study found that a number of factors influence how positively student-centered learning approaches affect students' learning practices.

Findings: The findings revealed cooperative approach, which consists of various types of group tasks, motivating factors like independence and opinion exchange, and teaching/learning instruments like debates, discussions, presentations, etc.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: This study demonstrates that the development of cooperation and collaboration is one of the key outcomes of a student-centered learning method. Students are more able to view one another as complements rather than rivals. Student achievement in the classroom is supported by student-centered learning, which is another essential aspect. Through various exercises, students may increase their scores, which makes it simple for them to reach their desired grade. 


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How to Cite

Oluwatosin, R. O. (2024). Exploring Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Student-Centered Learning in a Community College, England - United Kingdom. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(2), 64–81. https://doi.org/10.47941/jep.1832


