Teaching Quality Care for Healthcare Professionals: Delphi Consensus on Designing Drama
Drama, Healthcare, Professionals, Quality, Teaching.Abstract
Purpose: This study aimed to design drama for teaching quality care for healthcare professionals based on the newest evidence for continuous professional development and confront challenges for teaching healthcare professionals through multimedia that shift the trend in education from instructive to constructivist learning.
Methodology: This study was conducted through a three-round stepwise Delphi consensus on a judgmental sample of expert panelists. The researchers identified the expert panelists' demographic and professional characteristics, studied the views and expectations of designing drama for teaching quality care, and appraised the designed drama with a self-administered structured questionnaire and a scale, respectively.
Findings: Study results revealed that expert panelists achieved consensus on several items concerning the drama's content and design. The expert panelists' appraisals of the internal validity and consistency of the designed drama were (p≤0.05) and (0.767) as measured by the Pearson correlation test and Cronbach α, respectively.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The researchers conclude that expert panelists recommend applying drama in teaching, and with in-depth discussion, they verbalize how drama can improve educational outcomes. The researchers recommend adopting and disseminating the designed drama for teaching healthcare professionals' quality care and instilling drama in teaching curricula to address the gap between theoretical study and what is faced in real fields.
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