Enhancing Physics Education in Ugandan Teacher Training Institutions: Technology Integration and Gender-Inclusive Teaching Strategies
Technology Integration, Physics Education, Innovative Pedagogical PracticesAbstract
Purpose: This article investigates strategies to enhance physics education in Ugandan Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs) by utilizing the TPACK framework. It focuses on technology integration, professional development for educators, and innovative teaching approaches to improve the quality of physics education.
Methodology: Employing a mixed-method design, this study examined ICT and gender integration in physics teaching across three Teacher Training Institutions in Eastern Uganda. The research utilized case study and survey designs, gathering data from 14 Physics Lecturers and 14 TTI administrators through surveys, interviews, observations, and document analysis. Purposive sampling was used to select participants with relevant expertise. Data were analyzed using content analysis and quantitative methods in Excel, adhering to ethical protocols that included obtaining permissions and ensuring confidentiality.
Findings: The study highlights that while physics lecturers possess strong subject matter and pedagogical knowledge, there is a notable deficiency in updated ICT skills and gender-inclusive practices. Key strategies for enhancing ICT competencies include implementing professional development programs, adopting blended learning models, and conducting ICT integration workshops. The research identifies that demographic factors and digital literacy significantly influence ICT integration, emphasizing the need for targeted training and resource allocation to create inclusive, technology-enhanced educational environments aligned with TPACK, DOI, and sociocultural theories.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: This study underscores the critical need for comprehensive training in ICT and gender inclusivity within TTIs. It emphasizes the importance of institutional support and policy development to modernize physics education, enhance pedagogical practices, and promote gender equity.
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