The Power of Storytelling in Public Relations


  • Allison Keith Strathmore University



Storytelling, Public Relations, Communication, Narrative, Branding, Engagement


Purpose: The general purpose of this study was to explore the power of storytelling in public relations.

Methodology: The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive's time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.

Findings: The findings reveal that there exists a contextual and methodological gap relating to online reputation in the age of cancel culture. The study concluded that storytelling is a powerful tool in public relations, shaping public perceptions, building brand identities, and forging connections with audiences. It emphasized the human inclination towards narratives and their ability to engage emotionally, enhance brand recall, and differentiate organizations. Storytelling is seen as crucial in crisis communication, enabling organizations to humanize their brand and restore trust. Additionally, strategic storytelling is highlighted for driving social change and advocacy, mobilizing support, and raising awareness of societal issues. Overall, the study underscored storytelling as a strategic imperative in modern PR, essential for brand equity, reputation management, and driving positive social impact in an increasingly competitive media landscape.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The Agenda Setting theory, Social Learning theory and Cultivation theory ay be used to anchor future studies on the power of storytelling. Storytelling emerged as a potent tool for effective communication in the realm of public relations, tapping into intrinsic human inclination towards narratives. Through carefully crafted narratives, organizations articulated their values, mission, and unique selling propositions, differentiating themselves from competitors. In times of adversity, storytelling humanized brands, conveyed authenticity, and restored trust among stakeholders. Moreover, strategic storytelling drove social change and advocacy initiatives by mobilizing support, raising awareness, and inspiring action around pressing societal issues. The study affirmed storytelling as a strategic imperative in modern public relations practice, essential for engaging audiences, shaping perceptions, and driving positive social impact.


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How to Cite

Keith, A. . (2024). The Power of Storytelling in Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations, 2(1), 50–61.


