About the Journal

Human Resource and Leadership Journal (HRLJ) is a scholarly journal published by CARI Journals. The journal covers various topics related to human resource management, leadership development, organizational behavior, and strategic management. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their insights and experiences in the field of human resource and leadership. HRLJ is a peer-reviewed, global, and open-access journal. Open access means that the articles are freely available online for anyone to read, download, and cite. Open access also enhances the visibility and impact of the authors' work. The authors retain the copyrights to their articles and can distribute them as they wish. HRLJ is indexed in several databases, such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, Slicit, Crossref and many more. This ensures that the journal has a wide reach and recognition among the academic community. The journal has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number that uniquely identifies each article and provides a permanent link to it. HRLJ publishes articles on a monthly basis. The authors who submit their articles to the journal will receive a prompt and rigorous review process. The authors will also receive certificates for publication as a recognition of their contribution. Upon publication, the authors will be issued a link to their publication and a pdf copy of the publication. If the authors wish to have a hardcopy print of the issue in which their article appears, they can make orders and pay for them on demand. Publishing in HRLJ has many benefits for authors. It provides them with an opportunity to disseminate their research findings to a global audience. It also helps them establish their reputation and credibility in the fields of human resource and leadership. Moreover, it enables them to network with other scholars and practitioners who share their interests and goals.