Developing Discovery Learning Model on the Theme of Tofu Industry to Improve Students’ Numeracy Skills
Discovery Learning, Learning Tools, Numeracy SkillsAbstract
Purpose: This research was purposed to develop learning tools consisting of teaching module, student worksheet, and numeracy test questions using the Discovery Learning as a learning model on the theme of the tofu industry that are valid, practical, and effective.
Methodology: The research type was R&D research by using Thiagarajan 4D as the development model. The used data collection techniques were observation, numeracy test result, and student response questionnaire. The observation technique itself was implemented in the form of learning tools implementation and student observation. The research participants consisted of 33 students in the trial class, 32 students in the experimental class, and 32 students in the control class.
Findings: The research result obtained that the developed learning tools have valid, practical and effective criteria. Validity is obtained from the validity coefficient of learning tools and research instruments including teaching module, student worksheet, and numeracy test questions of 4.45; 4.52; and 4.54 respectively. Practicality was obtained from the result of practical analysis based on the observation of implementing learning tools, student observation, and student response questionnaires of 91.63%; 91%; and 88.22% respectively in very good category. Effectiveness was obtained based on the result of the numeracy test of 87.8% with an increase in the average N-Gain value of 0.79 with a very high category. In addition, another finding is that the developed learning tools have a significant effect on improving students' numeracy skills as indicated by the average N-Gain value of the experimental class is greater than the control class. Based on statistical tests conducted, the pretest and posttest values of the experimental class and control class based on statistical tests obtained Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 (sig. <0.05). It shows that there is a significant effect of implementing the Discovery Learning as learning model on the theme of tofu industry on increasing the students’ numeracy skills.
Unique contributions to theory, practice and policy: It is suggested that teachers can develop and apply Discovery Learning by presenting problems in everyday life on other learning materials. This is because The Discovery Learning model can improve students' numeracy skills.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mukholi Fatur Rosida, Prof. Dr. Didik Sugeng Pambudi, M.S, Dr. Dian Kurniati, S,Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari, S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Abi Suwito, S,Pd., M.Pd.

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