Peer review has been used by the scientific community as a method of ensuring novelty and quality of research for more than 300 years. Peer review is defined as a process of subjecting an author’s scholarly work or research to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field. It functions to encourage authors to meet the accepted high standards of their discipline and to control the dissemination of research data.

A peer reviewed journal contains articles that have gone through the evaluation process in which journal editors and expert scholars in a specific field critically assess the quality and scientific merit of a research paper. CARI Journals is an affordable and reliable journal hosting that provides researchers and scholars across the globe with a platform to publish their academic research papers by following a very precise publication process.

CARI Journals hosts several disciplines including Biological Sciences, Business and Economics, Development and Policy, Education, Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences amongst others ensuring no scholar is left out.

For a researcher looking to advance in their career by publishing their research work, here are a few reasons why CARI Journals is a great platform for you:

  • One is that, while establishing your research paper you will be able to clarify your goals for research by reviewing and interpreting your own data and compare with that of others in the same field as you. On a personal level, writing an article helps to improve research and the writing process. Once your document has been revised and approved by editors and peer reviewers, you can be assured that your document has met the writing and publication standards.
  • The peer review process will provide you with important feedback on the validity of your research approach and provides insight on the next steps of advancing your work into a publication.
  • Publishing under CARI Journals will make your work accessible to researchers looking for information to advance their work as well. This network of scholars will build on the body of knowledge that exists in the field. Moreover, it will help in the public understanding of the research question and establishing you as an expert in your field of knowledge.
  • Another reason is that, having a robust body of published work helps you advance in your career as you will start getting considered for academic appointments and promotions. This will also make your CV/resume look good.



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